Drupal 7 is a latest content management system. The instruction include commands that can be run from the command line. Every stepcontains a link to more detailed installation instructions.
Please follow below steps.
System requirements
Step 1: Download and extract Drupal
Step 2: Create the database
Step 3: Create the settings.php file
Step 4: Run the installation script
Server Requirements:
4. Run the installation script:
Please follow below steps.
System requirements
Step 1: Download and extract Drupal
Step 2: Create the database
Step 3: Create the settings.php file
Step 4: Run the installation script
Server Requirements:
1. Apache (version 2.0 or greater)
2. PHP 5 (5.2.0 or greater)
3. MySQL (5.0 or greater) or PostgreSQL (8.3 or greater) or SQLite (3.4.2 or greater)
1. Download CMS Files:
Download Drupal 7 from here click here and extract the files with a compression tool (such as tar file)
tar -zxvf drupal-7.x.tar.gz
Move the files into a directory within your web server's document root or your public HTML directory.
On many *nix computers the path from the server's root will be /var/www/
mv drupal-7.x /var/www/
2.Create configuration file:
Create a configuration file by copying the example, named default.settings.php in the sites/default directory. The copied configuration file must be named settings.php
3.Create the Drupal database:
You must create a MySQL database for your Drupal site manually.
4. Run the installation script:
To run the installation script point your browser to the base URL of your website (e.g.,
http://www.example.com, http://www.example.com/drupal7 or http://localhost/drupal7).
Note--Now here you have to give permission on project folder, just put below command
chmod -R 777 /var/www/drupal/
Now it will work and it will go for further detail like as database name which you have created manually and username,password of database
Now Your Drupal project is successfully installed.
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